Team Science Articles
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 35, Number 2S
Moving the Science of Team Science Forward: Collaboration and Creativity
The Science of Team Science: Overview of the Field and Introduction to the Supplement
Assessing the Value of Team Science: A Study Comparing Center- and Investigator-Initiated Grants
Detecting and Analyzing Research Communities in Longitudinal Scientific Networks
The Evolution of Research Collaboration within and across Disciplines in Italian Academia
A Four-phase Model of Transdisciplinary Team-based Research: Goals, Team Processes, and Strategies
The Impact of Research Collaboration on Scientific Productivity
New Research Shows Why Focus on Teams, Not Just Leaders, Is Key To Business Performance
Reflections on Scientific Collaboration (and its study): Past, Present, and Future
Research for Interprofessional Competency-Based Evaluation (RICE)
The Team Science Toolkit: Enhancing Research Collaboration Through Online Knowledge Sharing
Understanding the Assembly of Interdisciplinary Teams and its Impact on Performance
Visualization of the Citation Impact Environments of Scientific Journals: An Online Mapping Exercise