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The Collaboration Network


The Collaboration Network (TCN) was established in 2018 to connect investigators to resources and potential collaborators.

TCN aims to overcome geographical, institutional, and disciplinary barriers to foster transdisciplinary and translational research collaborations across the CCTST partner institutions, including the University of Cincinnati (UC), Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC), and UC Health. TCN also extends its reach to the wider community, particularly those engaged in academic-community partnerships. Our members come from research, clinical, and academic units across these institutions.


Who Are We? TCN is a growing group of investigators, educators, clinical providers, and other innovators who meet once a month to learn about each other, available resources, and funding opportunities. These sessions serve as a Community of Practice for those engaged in or supporting collaborative endeavors. Open discussions are facilitated by our team of Collaboration and Team Science experts. Guests are frequently invited to present information about their research, services, or new resources. Members are invited to sign up to present a “Spotlight” on their work and collaborative interests. Twice a year, TCN also hosts large public roundtables on complex issues such as Aging, Mental & Behavioral Health, Health Equity, Social Determinants of Health, Digital Health Tools, Well-being, and Cancer Survivorship.​


Members receive meeting invitations, agendas, discussion summaries, and regular compilations of funding opportunity announcements from various sources. Benefits include:

  • Build a broad network of investigators, educators, and other innovators

  • Facilitate better collaboration across departments and organizations

  • Share and receive regular Funding Opportunity Announcements

  • Learn how to access and navigate new resources

To request TCN membership, please contact​

Note: TCN does not require, but highly recommends CCTST membership as well. Become a member and get access to research resources and services offered by the CCTST. 
Click here to apply.

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The UC Cancer Center presented a Spotlight: On the Road to NCI Designation


In 2025, meetings are scheduled for the third Thursday of each month (excluding July, November, and December) from 9:00-10:00 AM (ET) via Zoom. In May and October, the meeting is replaced with a TCN Roundtable event, held from 9:00-11:00 AM (ET). Please note, TCN Roundtable events require registration. For more information, please contact Laura Hildreth at



View videos of missed meetings and roundtable events on the TCN Archive at

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TCN members from The LiveWell Collaborative (left) and the UC College of Nursing attending a TCN Roundtable event on Aging


The TCN hosts panel presentations called Roundtables on topics of significant complexity that would benefit greatly from the collaboration of researchers, educators, service providers, product developers, and other innovators across diverse disciplines. Invited speakers and attendees come from UC, Cincinnati Children's, and UC Health, as well as other educational institutions and community organizations. Following the presentation of issues, each event offers time for discussion on potential follow-up actions. Each of our roundtable meetings is open to everyone via Zoom and replaces one of our regular monthly meetings, running from 9:00-11:00 AM (ET).



​A survey is sent out after each roundtable event to collect information about activities and collaborations forming around these topics. To share this information with our members and event attendees, the attendees from each event will automatically begin to receive TCN emails. To unsubscribe, please submit an unsubscribe request.



TCN Roundtable video links are listed below. 

More information about each event is available in the TCN Archive at


Become a member and get access to research resources and services offered by the CCTST. Click here to apply.




240 Albert Sabin Way, Location S, Suite 2.200

Cincinnati, Ohio 45229

The Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) is a registered trademark of DHHS NIH Acknowledgment:


Publications resulting from use of CCTST resources must credit the appropriate CCTST grant by including an NIH Funding acknowledgment: The CCTST at the University of Cincinnati is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) program, grant UL1TR001425. The CTSA program is led by the NIH’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS). The content of this website is solely the responsibility of the CCTST and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

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