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Respiratory Virus Situational Awareness Dashboard


Click here to view the Situational Awareness and Learning Tool (SALT) Respiratory Virus Situational Awareness Dashboard. The dashboard data are provided “as-is.” The SALT team makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, including without limitation any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or warranties as to the quality, accuracy, or completeness of the information. Any use or reliance on this information is at the user’s sole risk.​​


In May 2020, the National Institutes of Health-funded Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network (RDCRN) launched an online survey to find out how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted individuals with rare diseases, their families, and their caregivers. Click here to learn more.


Results from the survey have been published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Public Health and Surveillance (PHS). Insights from the survey - including access to care, medication use, and mental and physical well-being - highlight the unique challenges faced by this population and how we can better support them. Click here to view the published article.


While there are many significant scientific efforts directed at COVID-19 happening across the Academic Health Center (AHC), there is a lack of community-based, behavioral and surveillance research, which is desperately needed to develop effective anti-COVID-19 interventions in our city and region. In order to move forward with “re-opening” our economy while maximally protecting the health of our citizens, we must focus on COVID-related health disparities, keeping Reff <1, identifying “hot spots” in real time, implementing rapid contact tracing, ensuring that safe behaviors (physical distancing, mask wearing) are maximally followed, and systematically collecting data to understand the rate of asymptomatic carriers.


The CCTST COVID-19 Critical Community Challenge Grant Program was developed to provide opportunities for investigators from the University of Cincinnati (UC), Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) and the Greater Cincinnati community to develop and implement proposals that would have a direct impact on COVID-19 in the Greater Cincinnati community of 14 counties in Southwest Ohio.  CCTST leadership identified financial support from our own resources and the UC Office of Research providing an initial fund of $75,000 to provide the first of potentially 3 phases of support.  A request for proposals was created and 15 applications for up to $10,000 for phase 1 studies were received, with 5 from CCHMC, 7 from UC and 3 from the Greater Cincinnati community. Each application received 3 reviews and a convened meeting of the reviewers selected 8 proposals for support including 4 from CCHMC, 3 from UC and 1 from the Greater Cincinnati community. Click here to download the table of awardees.


Funded proposals from CCHMC included:
  1. Katherine Bowers, Ph.D. and colleagues’ study, “Epidemiology and Transmission of COVID-19 among Hispanic and Black Families in Cincinnati,” in which they plan to evaluate the epidemiology and transmission of COVID-19 among the Black and Hispanic population of Cincinnati.

  2. Lori Crosby, PsyD and her colleagues’ proposal, “Attitudes about COVID-19 and Heath (ATTACH) study,” who plan to address behavioral issues associated with COVID-19 and whether specific messaging would impact behavior. Click here for more details and project updates.

  3. Keith Martin, DO and Amy Rule, MD, MPH, in their study, “Barriers and Facilitators to Prevention of Care of COVID-19 Infections in Cincinnati Latinx Families,” propose to evaluate Latino knowledge of COVID-19 and factors and barriers to prevent the spread of COVID-19 including the development of educational materials in Phase 2.

  4. Claire Seid and Aimee Miley in their study, “A Mutual Aid Response to COVID-19 for People Recently Released from Hamilton County Justice Center and People Experiencing Homelessness in Downtown Area,” propose to study the needs and experiences and to develop interventions based upon their surveys in populations of recently released prisoners and homeless.


Funded proposals from the community included:
  1. Regina Hutchins, PhD, BSN, RN and Holly Jones’, RN study, from the Black Nurses’ Association of Greater Cincinnati, “Cincinnati’s African-American Community Establishments Face Mask Project,” proposes to evaluate African-American businesses to define masking behavior and providing masks to businesses to support compliance with mask wearing.


Funded proposals from UC included:
  1. Victoria McKenna, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, whose proposal “The Impact of Masks on Speech Acoustics and Voice Fatigue in Healthcare Workers: A Pilot Study during COVID-19 Pandemic,” proposes to help define voice and communication problems with masking in the workplace and develop educational modules to provide communication strategies. Click here for more details.

  2. John Kues, Ph.D. and Melinda Butsch Kovacic, Ph.D. proposed study, “ A Community Based Approach to Understanding and Improving Adherence to CDC COVID-19 Guidelines,” plans to assess demographic and behavioral attitudes and motivations for wearing masks and social distancing with goals to implement steps to increase compliance. Click here for more details and project updates.

  3. Jess Kropczynski, Ph.D. and colleagues in their proposal,  “Mapping Local Beliefs and Non-Adherence to COVID-19 Prevention Measures using Social Media,” proposes to use social medial to assess behavior related to COVID 19 using a novel application that they have developed called PIVOT allowing overlay of geospatial data on social media.


C5G Awardee Webinar:

The C5G awardees and CCTST administration meet for webinars to discuss project progress, resources, and collaboration opportunities. Updates and material from the September webinar are featured below.

Become a member and get access to research resources and services offered by the CCTST. Click here to apply.




240 Albert Sabin Way, Location S, Suite 2.200

Cincinnati, Ohio 45229

The Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) is a registered trademark of DHHS NIH Acknowledgment:


Publications resulting from use of CCTST resources must credit the appropriate CCTST grant by including an NIH Funding acknowledgment: The CCTST at the University of Cincinnati is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) program, grant UL1TR001425. The CTSA program is led by the NIH’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS). The content of this website is solely the responsibility of the CCTST and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

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