K Award College
The purpose of this seminar series is to leverage diverse perspectives across UC and CCHMC related to writing career development awards.
The K Award College is separated into two specific tracks: future K awardees (Applicant/PI Track) and one for their primary mentor(s) (Mentors Track):
The Applicant/PI Track is a basic overview of career development awards led by mentors, awardees, and program directors of K awards. It is a seven week session that will be held on Tuesdays from August 27 - October 15, 2024 from 2:00 - 4:00pm. ​
The Mentors Track is focused on supporting mentors of Career Development Awards in writing letters of recommendation, providing support and guidance to their mentee during the writing process, and exchanging ideas for additional resources to support early career faculty. The session will be held on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 from 2:00 - 4:00pm.
Please note, this session is open to any mentor who would like to participate. Mentors do not need to have a mentee in the Applicant/PI Track to attend. ​​

​In addition to the two tracks, optional writing accountability and feedback groups will be established to provide peer support as faculty move through the career award writing process, with faculty available to facilitate group discussions during feedback sessions as needed.​​