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The mission of the Collaboration & Team Science (CaTS) program at the University of Cincinnati Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training (CCTST) is to facilitate interprofessional collaborations through networking, team science education, and consultation in which all participants find deep mutual benefit.


We drive the advancement of multidisciplinary collaboration and networking, promote the use of team science principles, and consult with translational and interprofessional investigators and other innovators to help them navigate the many resources that are available throughout the CCTST partner institutions.


To request CaTS services, such as workshops or consultations, please complete this intake survey or contact for more information.

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56 Collaboration
and Team Science training events (2024)

59 Collaborative initiatives (2024)


617 individuals 
trained (2024)



To request CaTS services, such as workshops or consultations, please complete this intake survey

or contact for more information.


  1. Knapke JM, Hildreth L, Molano JR, Schuckman SM, Blackard JT, Johnstone M, Kopras EJ, Lee RC, Kues JR, Mendell A. Andragogy in team science training for biomedical researchers. Book chapter/case study accepted for inclusion in Andragogy in Practice: Case Studies on Innovation in Adult Learning. Forthcoming in 2025 from Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 

  2. Knapke JM, Hildreth L, Molano JR, Schuckman SM, Blackard JT, Johnstone M, Kopras EJ, Lamkin MK, Lee RC, Kues JR, Mendell A. Andragogy in Practice: Applying a Theoretical Framework to Team Science Training in Biomedical Research. Br J Biomed Sci. 2024 Mar 28;81:12651. 

  3. Van Haren RM, Kovacic MB, Delman AM, Pratt CG, Griffith A, Arbili L, Harvey K, Kohli E, Pai A, Topalian A, Rai SN, Shah SA, Kues J. Disparities Associated with Decision to Undergo Oncologic Surgery: A Prospective Mixed-Methods Analysis. Ann Surg Oncol. 2024 Sep;31(9):5757-5764. Epub 2024 Jun 13. PMID: 38869765; PMCID: PMC11300547.

  4. Mendell AM, Knerich V, Ranwala D, et al. Team science competencies across the career life course for translational science teams. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2024;8(1):e111. 

  5. Mendell A, Fritter J, Helm S, Capili C, Hildreth L, Johnson K, Varnadoe C, Kopras K, Sprecher J, Summerside N, Carter K, Ronning A, Exe N, Kolb RH, Jones CT. Team science competencies for clinical research professionals: A multi-leveled Delphi approach. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. Published online 2024:1-25.

  6. Snyder DC, Gaudaur H, Marchant M, Viera L, McCubbin A, Verble W, Mendell A, Gilliam C. Enhancing the clinical research workforce: A collaborative approach with human resources. Front Pharmacol. 2024 Feb 7;15:1295155.

  7. Knapke JM, Marcum M, Mendell A, Ryan PH. Development of an undergraduate certificate in clinical and translational science: Improving competence of the clinical research workforce. Frontiers in Pharmacology, November 2023. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1294534  

  8. Whitham T, Wima K, Harnett B, Kues JR, Eckman MH, Starnes SL, Schmidt KA, Kapur S, Salfity H, Van Haren RM. Lung cancer screening utilization rate varies based on patient, provider, and hospital factors. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2023 Nov;166(5):1331-1339. Epub 2023 Feb 21. PMID: 36934071. 

  9. Eckman MH, Wise R, Knockelmann C, Mardis R, Leonard AC, Wright S, Gummadi A, Dixon E, Becker RC, Schauer DP, Flaherty ML, Costea A, Kleindorfer D, Ireton R, Baker P, Harnett BM, Adejare A, Sucharew H, Arduser L, Kues J. (2023) Can a best practice advisory improve anticoagulation prescribing to reduce stroke risk in patients with atrial fibrillation? Jnl of Card. 

  10. Knapke JM, Marcum M, Mendell A, Ryan PH. Development of an undergraduate certificate in clinical and translational science: Improving competence of the clinical research workforce. Frontiers in Pharmacology, November 2023.

  11. Blackard JT, Knapke JM, Schuckman SM, Veevers J, Hardie WD, Ryan PH. Introducing trainees to research using an online, asynchronous course. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, June 2023.

  12. Kues JR, Knapke JM, Elshaer S, Mendell AM, Hildreth L, Schuckman SM, Wijesooriya J, Butsch Kovacic M. COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: A Critical Time Period Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(13):8098. 

  13. Mark H. Eckman, Ruth Wise, Carol Knochelmann, Rachael Mardis, Sharon Wright, Ashish Gummadi, Estrelita Dixon, Richard Becker, Daniel P. Schauer, Matthew L. Flaherty, Alexandru Costea, Dawn Kleindorfer, Rob Ireton, Pete Baker, Brett M. Harnett, Adeboye Adejare, Anthony C. Leonard, Heidi Sucharew, Amy Costanzo, Lora Arduser, John Kues. Electronic health record-embedded decision support to reduce stroke risk in patients with atrial fibrillation – Study protocol. American Heart Journal, Volume 247, 2022, Pages 42-54, ISSN 0002-8703,

  14. Knapke JM, Jenkerson M, Tsao P, Freel S, Fritter J, Helm SL, Jester P, Kolb HR, Mendell A, Petty M, Jones CT. Academic medical center clinical research professional workforce: Part 2 - Issues in staff onboarding and professional development. J Clin Transl Sci. 2022 Jun 3;6(1):e81. PMID: 35949655; PMCID: PMC9305080.

  15. Knapke JM, Snyder DC, Carter K, Fitz-Gerald MB, Fritter J, Kolb HR, Marchant M, Mendell A, Petty M, Pullum C, Jones CT. Issues for recruitment and retention of clinical research professionals at academic medical centers: Part 1 - collaborative conversations Un-Meeting findings. J Clin Transl Sci. 2022 Jun 3;6(1):e80.

  16. Knapke J, Kues JR, Schuckman SM, Lee RC. Collaboration in Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Guidelines. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2019;3(s1):130-131.

  17. Knapke J, Amy Short, Tamilyn Bakas, et al. Promoting collaboration among researchers: A team science training curriculum. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2018;2(S1):59-59.


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240 Albert Sabin Way, Location S, Suite 2.200

Cincinnati, Ohio 45229

The Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) is a registered trademark of DHHS NIH Acknowledgment:


Publications resulting from use of CCTST resources must credit the appropriate CCTST grant by including an NIH Funding acknowledgment: The CCTST at the University of Cincinnati is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) program, grant UL1TR001425. The CTSA program is led by the NIH’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS). The content of this website is solely the responsibility of the CCTST and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

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