The Acute Care Research Core (ACRC) is a high impact collaboration of acute care research professionals representing the four institutions that comprise Cincinnati’s Academic Health Center. Formed in 2015 by the Center for Clinical & Translational Science & Training (CCTST), with funding from a Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA), the Core currently includes: 14 acute care research (ACR) units, representatives from the local institutional review boards and the investigational pharmacy.
The mission of the ACRC is to generate and execute world-class collaborative research initiatives through empowering our stakeholders, improving efficiency of the research process, training our next generation clinical and translational researcher, and developing acute care research standards of care. Acute Care Research is challenged by the:
Need to interface with patients 24/7, within minutes to hours of their illness or injury,
Inability to schedule/recruit patients via usual means,
Frequent inability to direct-consent patients due to patient care and family considerations that surround a catastrophic health event,
Movement of patients throughout the health care system (EMS, ED, Surgery, ICU),
Population at higher risk of health disparities and health failure due to using EDs as a primary resource of care.
Today, the Acute Care Research Core is the most comprehensive Academic Health Center-based collaboration of acute care researchers in the nation. ACRC partners are committed to creating a community spanning the pre-hospital, emergency and critical care settings — sharing resources and best practices to eliminate systems’ barriers to the acceleration of clinical & translational research in the acute care setting. Through a common focus on process improvement, economies of scale and coordination of activities, an innovative acute care research culture is being formed that will be more impactful and encompassing than that which any institution could create individually.
*Acute Care Research (ACR) is defined as research that occurs within 24 hours of a visit to an emergency department or an unscheduled admission, or within 24 hours of identification of a new or worsening condition characterized by sudden onset requiring immediate care.
This pilot grant program is designed to support researchers in the conduction of pilot projects focused on acute care research. Successful proposals will yield pilot data, establish methods, and/or form teams needed to apply for extramural funding. Multidisciplinary proposals are encouraged. Up to two proposals will be awarded $15,000 each.
Applications will be accepted from faculty or staff from all UC campuses, the Academic Health Center (including CCHMC, UC, VA Medical Center). Advanced degrees (MD, PhD, MD-PhD or equivalent) are not required for eligibility. Collaborative groups of investigators spanning disciplines and programs are strongly encouraged. Applicants must be CCTST members.

Use Research Central to request a consultation with an Acute Care team member.